New Member Needed

Board of Education Seeks new member






PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Lafayette Township Board of Education is seeking a candidate to fill a vacancy on the Board of Education.


            Qualifications for becoming a member of the Board of Education are:


  1. Must be a citizen of the United States of America.
  2. Must be at least 18 years of age to qualify for office.
  3. Must be able to read and write.
  4. Must be a resident of Lafayette for at least one year.
  5. Is not disqualified as a voter pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:4-1.
  6. Is not disqualified from membership for the conviction of crimes pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:12-1.
  7. Must be a registered voter in the district.
  8. No board of education member shall be directly or indirectly involved in any contract with, or claim against, the Board.


Interested candidates are requested to send a letter of interest, along with a resume,

by October 16, 2017 to:  Erin Siipola, Board Secretary, Lafayette Township Board of Education, 178 Beaver Run Road, Lafayette, NJ  07848.


Erin Siipola

Board Secretary