Currently, our school houses approximately 200 computers of various specifications. Each classroom has access to the school's local area network as well as the Internet, and several rooms in the building have multiple networked computers. At least one modern computer is placed in each room with many rooms having upwards of six. We have a Lenovo lab with 25 Lenovo desktops; a Dell lab and a Language Arts lab each with 26 computers; and the Library Media Center has 13 desktop and 12 notebook computers. All staff performing administrative functions also have desktop computers with network access. Every staff member has a school email account.
Technology is a part of every student's education in our school. Each student has regular curriculum work in computer technology. The goal of the curriculum is to infuse technology into the student's world. Students learn computer skills within curricular projects. Infusion of technology also occurs within our library media center. The library card catalog has been computerized using Follet software and students have access to our Accelerated Reader software at the workstations. Finally, and most important, is the classroom infusion of technology. Teachers are developing meaningful experiences for our students utilizing computer technology. Applications in our science lab allow students to computerized probes in specific lab experiments. The infusion carries through our building with students preparing projects in Microsoft Office applications.